Uses of Interface

Packages that use Context
org.deduced This package contains the base classes of the deduced framework. 

Uses of Context in org.deduced

Methods in org.deduced that return Context
 Context ContexedCollection.getContext()
          Get the value of the instance : context
 Context ContexedCollection.setContext(Context newValue)
          Set the value of the instance : context

Methods in org.deduced with parameters of type Context
 Context ContexedCollection.setContext(Context newValue)
          Set the value of the instance : context

Uses of Context in org.deduced.implementation

Classes in org.deduced.implementation that implement Context
 class ContextImplementation
          Java Implementation used to represent the type : context Class generated by org.deduced.generator.VelocityGenerator Using template : org/deduced/generator/java/JavaImplementation.vm

Fields in org.deduced.implementation declared as Context
private  Context ContexedCollectionImplementation.context
          member variable holding the value for : context

Methods in org.deduced.implementation that return Context
 Context ContexedCollectionImplementation.getContext()
 Context ContexedCollectionImplementation.setContext(Context setValue)

Methods in org.deduced.implementation with parameters of type Context
static void ContextImplementation.resetListFixedInstances(Context instance)
          reset all the list fixed instances
 Context ContexedCollectionImplementation.setContext(Context setValue)