Class FixedDeducedProperty<E>

  extended by org.deduced.PropertyImplementation<E>
      extended by org.deduced.dynamic.AbstractDeducedProperty<E>
          extended by org.deduced.dynamic.FixedDeducedProperty<E>
Type Parameters:
E - the type of value stored in the property
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, DeducedProperty<E>, Property<E>

public class FixedDeducedProperty<E>
extends AbstractDeducedProperty<E>

FixedDeducedProperty is used to hold a property that is created with a rule that has no input. Hence the rule will always return the same value.

Steve McDuff
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private static long serialVersionUID
          serial ID
Constructor Summary
FixedDeducedProperty(ContextualPropertyCollection<?,?> setParent, PropertyCollection<?,?> lastInstance, E value, PropertyCollection<?,?> setRule)
          FixedDeducedProperty Constructor
Method Summary
protected  void executeRule()
Methods inherited from class org.deduced.dynamic.AbstractDeducedProperty
decrementUseCounter, delete, executeRuleAnalyzer, getParent, getRule, getUseCounter, incrementUseCounter, logRuleExecutionException
Methods inherited from class org.deduced.PropertyImplementation
arePropertiesEqual, arePropertyValuesEqual, clonePropertyValue, copy, equals, getInstance, getValue, getValueType, hashCode, isValueEqual, resetParentOnValue, setInstance, setValue, setValueOnProperty, setValueParent, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.deduced.Property
copy, getInstance, getValue, getValueType, isValueEqual, setValue

Field Detail


private static final long serialVersionUID
serial ID

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public FixedDeducedProperty(ContextualPropertyCollection<?,?> setParent,
                            PropertyCollection<?,?> lastInstance,
                            E value,
                            PropertyCollection<?,?> setRule)
FixedDeducedProperty Constructor

setParent - the parent collection
lastInstance - the instance of the rule output
value - the value of the property
setRule - the rule model
Method Detail


protected void executeRule()

Specified by:
executeRule in class AbstractDeducedProperty<E>
See Also: