Class RuleDeducedProperty<E>

  extended by org.deduced.PropertyImplementation<E>
      extended by org.deduced.dynamic.AbstractDeducedProperty<E>
          extended by org.deduced.dynamic.RuleDeducedProperty<E>
Type Parameters:
E - the type of object being held in the property
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener, DeducedProperty<E>, Property<E>, PropertyListener<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>

public class RuleDeducedProperty<E>
extends AbstractDeducedProperty<E>
implements PropertyListener<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>

RuleDeducedProperty is a property implementation that holds a property where the value is controlled by a deduction rule. This object has the responsibility to trigger the change events on all the other objects where the rule apply.

Steve McDuff
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private  DeductionRuleAnalyzer<E> analyzer
          analyzer used for the rule
private static boolean DEBUG_RULES
          flag used to enable or disable rule debugging.
private static java.util.logging.Logger LOGGER
private  ListenTargetTracker<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> ruleTriggerTracker
          list of all the collections to which we listen to for changes in case we need to trigger the rule.
private static long serialVersionUID
          serial ID
Constructor Summary
RuleDeducedProperty(PropertyCollection<?,?> instance, ContextualPropertyCollection<?,?> setParent, PropertyCollection<?,?> setRule, DeductionRuleAnalyzer<E> setAnalyzer, E initialValue)
          RuleDeducedProperty Constructor
Method Summary
private  void addAllTriggers()
          add All Triggers required to be monitored to execute a rule
private  void addListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyCollection<?,?> newValue, PropertyCollection<?,?> instanceReference, int index)
          add a Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.
private  void addTrigger(PropertyCollection<?,?> newValue)
          add a listener to a collection that could trigger the rule
 void applyRuleOverrideOnNewValueIfNecessary(E newValue, PropertyCollection<?,?> lastInstance, java.lang.Object objectOutput, boolean isReference)
          apply Rule Override On New Value If Necessary
private  boolean checkAllEventChain(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event)
          check All inputs to see if an event triggered them
private  boolean checkEventChain(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event, PropertyCollection<?,?> listenerChain, PropertyCollection<?,?> instance, int index)
          check a chain of possible triggers on an event, move listeners if required
private  boolean checkEventChainOnChild(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event, PropertyCollection<?,?> listenerChain, int index, PropertyCollection<?,?> childCollection)
          check a chain of possible triggers on an event by looking at a specific child value, move listeners if required
private  boolean checkListEventChain(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event, PropertyCollection<?,?> listenerChain, int index, PropertyCollection<?,?> subImplementation)
          check a chain of possible triggers on an event, move listeners if required
private  void clearTriggerList()
          clear the trigger list
 void delete()
 void deleteOldValueIfNecessary(E oldValue, boolean isReference)
          delete Old Value If Necessary
protected  void executeRule()
private  void fireChangeEventIfNecessary(E newValue, E oldValue)
          fire Change Event If Necessary
private  void fireNewValueChange(E newValue, E oldValue)
          fire New Value Change
private  void fireNewValueOnOutput(E newValue, E oldValue, PropertyCollection<?,?> lastInstance, java.lang.Object instanceKey, java.lang.Object output)
          fire New Value On Output
static java.util.List<PropertyCollection<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>> getRuleOutputList(PropertyCollection<?,?> startPoint, PropertyCollection<?,?> rule)
          get Rule Output List
private  boolean isEventRelatedToRuleInput(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event, PropertyCollection<?,?> currentRuleInputCollection, PropertyCollection<?,?> currentInputInstance)
          test if an event is related to a rule input by verifying if it is either the "All Property Values" instance, or the event instance matches the current collection fixed instance or the current event key matches the rule input key.
private  void moveListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event, PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey, int index)
          move collection Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.
private  void moveListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey, PropertyCollection<?,?> oldValue, PropertyCollection<?,?> newValue, int index)
          move List Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.
private  void moveListListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event, PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey, int index)
          move List Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.
 void propertyChanged(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event)
private  void removeListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyCollection<?,?> oldValue, PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey, int index)
          remove Listener Chain and Skip the Last level since we didn't put listeners on it.
private  void removeTrigger(PropertyCollection<?,?> oldValue)
          remove a listener on a collection that can't trigger the rule anymore
 void updateParentOnValueChange(E newValue, E oldValue, java.lang.Object instanceKey, PropertyCollection<?,?> startCollection, boolean isReference)
          update Parent On Value Change
static boolean validateListChildInstance(PropertyCollection<?,?> input, PropertyCollection<?,?> listItemPropertyInstance, PropertyCollection<?,?> listInstance, PropertyCollection<?,?> rule)
          validate List Child Instance matches the expected list instance
Methods inherited from class org.deduced.dynamic.AbstractDeducedProperty
decrementUseCounter, executeRuleAnalyzer, getParent, getRule, getUseCounter, incrementUseCounter, logRuleExecutionException
Methods inherited from class org.deduced.PropertyImplementation
arePropertiesEqual, arePropertyValuesEqual, clonePropertyValue, copy, equals, getInstance, getValue, getValueType, hashCode, isValueEqual, resetParentOnValue, setInstance, setValue, setValueOnProperty, setValueParent, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.deduced.Property
copy, getInstance, getValue, getValueType, isValueEqual, setValue

Field Detail


private static final java.util.logging.Logger LOGGER


private static final long serialVersionUID
serial ID

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final boolean DEBUG_RULES
flag used to enable or disable rule debugging. Setting this flag to true will trigger a log event of the FINEST level for each change in value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private DeductionRuleAnalyzer<E> analyzer
analyzer used for the rule


private ListenTargetTracker<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> ruleTriggerTracker
list of all the collections to which we listen to for changes in case we need to trigger the rule.

Constructor Detail


public RuleDeducedProperty(PropertyCollection<?,?> instance,
                           ContextualPropertyCollection<?,?> setParent,
                           PropertyCollection<?,?> setRule,
                           DeductionRuleAnalyzer<E> setAnalyzer,
                           E initialValue)
RuleDeducedProperty Constructor

instance - instance of the rule output
setParent - object that owns the rule
setRule - the deduction rule model
setAnalyzer - the deduction rule analyzer
initialValue - initial value to use in case the rule execution fails
Method Detail


private void addAllTriggers()
add All Triggers required to be monitored to execute a rule


public void propertyChanged(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event)

Specified by:
propertyChanged in interface PropertyListener<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>
event - the event that was generated
See Also:


protected void executeRule()

Specified by:
executeRule in class AbstractDeducedProperty<E>
See Also:


private void fireChangeEventIfNecessary(E newValue,
                                        E oldValue)
fire Change Event If Necessary

newValue - the property new value
oldValue - the property new value


private void fireNewValueChange(E newValue,
                                E oldValue)
fire New Value Change

newValue - the property new value
oldValue - the property old value


public void applyRuleOverrideOnNewValueIfNecessary(E newValue,
                                                   PropertyCollection<?,?> lastInstance,
                                                   java.lang.Object objectOutput,
                                                   boolean isReference)
apply Rule Override On New Value If Necessary

newValue - the new value
lastInstance - the instance for the new value
objectOutput - the object on which the override might apply
isReference - is the new value a reference


public void deleteOldValueIfNecessary(E oldValue,
                                      boolean isReference)
delete Old Value If Necessary

oldValue - the old value
isReference - is the old value a reference


public void updateParentOnValueChange(E newValue,
                                      E oldValue,
                                      java.lang.Object instanceKey,
                                      PropertyCollection<?,?> startCollection,
                                      boolean isReference)
update Parent On Value Change

newValue - the new value
oldValue - the old value
instanceKey - the instance key
startCollection - the collection that will potentially be the new parent
isReference - is the new value a reference.


public static java.util.List<PropertyCollection<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>> getRuleOutputList(PropertyCollection<?,?> startPoint,
                                                                                                      PropertyCollection<?,?> rule)
get Rule Output List

startPoint - the point where the rule is executed
rule - the rule model
the list of property collections that are affected by the rule.


private void fireNewValueOnOutput(E newValue,
                                  E oldValue,
                                  PropertyCollection<?,?> lastInstance,
                                  java.lang.Object instanceKey,
                                  java.lang.Object output)
fire New Value On Output

newValue - the new property value
oldValue - the old property value
lastInstance - the property instance of the property
instanceKey - the instance key
output - the collection that was modified by this event


public static boolean validateListChildInstance(PropertyCollection<?,?> input,
                                                PropertyCollection<?,?> listItemPropertyInstance,
                                                PropertyCollection<?,?> listInstance,
                                                PropertyCollection<?,?> rule)
validate List Child Instance matches the expected list instance

input - rule input model
listItemPropertyInstance - the property instance used in the list
listInstance - the expected list instance from the rule
rule - the deduction rule model
true if the instance is valid


private boolean checkAllEventChain(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event)
check All inputs to see if an event triggered them

event - the event that was monitored
true if the event might have triggered a change in the rule


private boolean checkEventChain(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event,
                                PropertyCollection<?,?> listenerChain,
                                PropertyCollection<?,?> instance,
                                int index)
check a chain of possible triggers on an event, move listeners if required

event - the event that was triggered
listenerChain - the instance reference object used to create the listener chain
instance - the current instance being monitored
index - index of they key in the instance reference
true if the event triggered a change in the input


private boolean isEventRelatedToRuleInput(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event,
                                          PropertyCollection<?,?> currentRuleInputCollection,
                                          PropertyCollection<?,?> currentInputInstance)
test if an event is related to a rule input by verifying if it is either the "All Property Values" instance, or the event instance matches the current collection fixed instance or the current event key matches the rule input key.

event - the current change event
currentRuleInputCollection - the collection that might be related to the change event
currentInputInstance - the rule input instance being analyzed
true if the event is related, false otherwise


private boolean checkEventChainOnChild(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event,
                                       PropertyCollection<?,?> listenerChain,
                                       int index,
                                       PropertyCollection<?,?> childCollection)
check a chain of possible triggers on an event by looking at a specific child value, move listeners if required

event - the event that was triggered
listenerChain - the instance reference object used to create the listener chain
index - index of they key in the instance reference
childCollection - the child collection for which we want to verify if the event might be related.
true if the event triggered a change in the input


private boolean checkListEventChain(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event,
                                    PropertyCollection<?,?> listenerChain,
                                    int index,
                                    PropertyCollection<?,?> subImplementation)
check a chain of possible triggers on an event, move listeners if required

event - the event that was triggered
listenerChain - the instance reference object used to create the listener chain
subImplementation - the current instance being monitored
index - index of they key in the instance reference
true if the event triggered a change in the input


private void moveListListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event,
                                           PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey,
                                           int index)
move List Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.

event - the event that was triggered
propertyKey - the instance reference that changed
index - index of they key in the instance reference


private void moveListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyChangeEvent<?,?> event,
                                       PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey,
                                       int index)
move collection Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.

event - the event that was triggered
propertyKey - the instance reference that changed
index - index of they key in the instance reference


private void moveListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey,
                                       PropertyCollection<?,?> oldValue,
                                       PropertyCollection<?,?> newValue,
                                       int index)
move List Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.

propertyKey - the instance reference that changed
oldValue - the value that we don't need to listen to anymore
newValue - the new value we should listen to now
index - index of they key in the instance reference


private void addListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyCollection<?,?> newValue,
                                      PropertyCollection<?,?> instanceReference,
                                      int index)
add a Listener Chain and Skip the last level since it doesn't need listeners at this point.

instanceReference - the instance reference that changed
newValue - the new value we should listen to now
index - index of they key in the instance reference


private void addTrigger(PropertyCollection<?,?> newValue)
add a listener to a collection that could trigger the rule

newValue - the collection to listen to


public void delete()

Specified by:
delete in interface DeducedProperty<E>
delete in class AbstractDeducedProperty<E>
See Also:


private void clearTriggerList()
clear the trigger list


private void removeListenerChainSkipLast(PropertyCollection<?,?> oldValue,
                                         PropertyCollection<?,?> propertyKey,
                                         int index)
remove Listener Chain and Skip the Last level since we didn't put listeners on it.

oldValue - the old value we don't need to listen to anymore
propertyKey - the instance reference being used
index - the index of the key in the instance reference


private void removeTrigger(PropertyCollection<?,?> oldValue)
remove a listener on a collection that can't trigger the rule anymore

oldValue - the collection we don't need to listen to anymore