Package org.deduced.utilities

Utilities package for reusable code that interfaces with other API provided by external libraries.


Interface Summary
Runner Abstract Runner
SystemExit SystemExit is an interface used to abstract the System.exit call for testing purpose.

Class Summary
AbstractRunner Abstract runner implementing the run silent method
AssertUtilities Title: AssertUtility
ExceptionRunnable ExceptionRunnable is an extension runnable class that allows exception to be thrown.
FileHandler1 Extra FileHandler used to allow the creation of multiple java logging file handlers
FileHandler2 Extra FileHandler used to allow the creation of multiple java logging file handlers
FileHandler3 Extra FileHandler used to allow the creation of multiple java logging file handlers
FileHandler4 Extra FileHandler used to allow the creation of multiple java logging file handlers
FileUtilities Utility methods used on files.
HashCodeUtilities Collected methods which allow easy implementation of hashCode.
IdentityReferenceMap IdentityReferenceMap is used to create a map where the developer can control the way keys and values are referenced and how keys and values are checked for equality.
IdentityReferenceMap.IdentityReferenceEntry IdentityReferenceEntry is used to create hash entries in the map.
InvokeNowRunner Invoke Now Runner
LogFormatter Log Formatter used in deduced applications.
LogUtilities Log Utilities
NewThreadRunner NewThreadRunner will run runnable objects in a new thread every time
ObjectUtilities ObjectUtilities is used to host static utility methods to deal with java objects
OnDemandRunner OnDemandRunner will execute runnable objects when the programmer allows it to.
RegularExpressionFilenameFilter Regular Expression Filename Filter
SwingInvokeAndWaitRunner Swing Invoke And Wait runner
SwingInvokeLaterRunner Swing Invoke Later Runner
SystemExitImplementation System Exit Implementation.
WeakList<E> WeakList this list holds a weak reference to all the elements it contains.
WeakList.WeakIterator<E> Class representing an iterator on a weak list.

Package org.deduced.utilities Description

Utilities package for reusable code that interfaces with other API provided by external libraries.