Packages that use ModelFactory | |
org.deduced | This package contains the base classes of the deduced framework. |
org.deduced.controller.implementation | Controller implementation classes. |
org.deduced.dynamic | The Dynamic package contains an implementation of the property collection that can be dynamically modified as the schema changes. |
org.deduced.framework | Deduced framework initialization classes. |
org.deduced.rule | This package contains common fixed deduction rules that can be easily reused. |
org.deduced.validation | Package containing validation utilities. |
org.deduced.xml | Property collection XML encoding tools. |
Uses of ModelFactory in org.deduced |
Subinterfaces of ModelFactory in org.deduced | |
interface |
A Model Factory is used to create models in a layer of a deduced application. |
Classes in org.deduced that implement ModelFactory | |
class |
Default Model Factory |
Fields in org.deduced declared as ModelFactory | |
private ModelFactory |
model factory being used |
Methods in org.deduced that return ModelFactory | |
ModelFactory |
get Model Factory |
ModelFactory |
ModelFactory |
(non-Javadoc) |
Methods in org.deduced with parameters of type ModelFactory | |
static void |
DeducedUtilities.addObjectToOrderedListSilent(PropertyCollection<?,?> objectToAdd,
PropertyCollection orderedList,
ModelFactory factory)
add an Object To an Ordered List by creating the intermediate object type used to store the ordering info. |
void |
RuleExecutionContextImplementation.setModelFactory(ModelFactory setModelFactory)
set Model Factory |
Uses of ModelFactory in org.deduced.controller.implementation |
Fields in org.deduced.controller.implementation declared as ModelFactory | |
private ModelFactory |
model factory |
Methods in org.deduced.controller.implementation that return ModelFactory | |
ModelFactory |
(non-Javadoc) |
static ModelFactory |
AbstractPropertyCollectionController.getModelFactoryFromCollection(PropertyCollection<?,?> collection)
the model factory associated with the specified collection |
Methods in org.deduced.controller.implementation with parameters of type ModelFactory | |
static boolean |
AbstractPropertyCollectionController.baseIsAddValueValid(PropertyCollection<?,?> instance,
PropertyCollection<?,?> value,
ModelFactory modelFactory,
PropertyCollectionController controller,
boolean validateParent)
base method to verify if a value to add is valid or not |
static Task |
DirectPropertyController.baseSetControlledProperty(java.lang.Object value,
boolean deletePreviousValue,
PropertyController controller,
ModelFactory validatorFactory)
base Set Controlled Property |
void |
DeducedControllerLayerExtensionImplementation.setModelFactory(ModelFactory setModelFactory)
set Model Factory |
static void |
AbstractPropertyCollectionController.validateAddToCollection(java.lang.Object propertyValue,
PropertyCollection<?,?> addInstance,
ModelFactory modelFactory,
PropertyCollection<?,?> controlledCollection,
boolean validateParent)
validate if a value is valid to be added to a collection |
static void |
DirectPropertyController.validatePropertyUpdate(PropertyCollection<?,?> changedCollection,
java.lang.Object newValue,
ModelFactory modelFactory,
PropertyCollection<?,?> controlledPropertyInstance,
boolean validateParent)
validate Property Update |
Uses of ModelFactory in org.deduced.dynamic |
Classes in org.deduced.dynamic that implement ModelFactory | |
class |
DynamicModelFactory is a model factory that listens to a schema and dynamically modifies the objects it created to keep them synchronized with the schema. |
class |
Fly Wheel Type Based Controller Factory |
Uses of ModelFactory in org.deduced.framework |
Fields in org.deduced.framework declared as ModelFactory | |
private ModelFactory |
model factory used by this model layer |
Methods in org.deduced.framework that return ModelFactory | |
ModelFactory |
get the model factory |
Methods in org.deduced.framework with parameters of type ModelFactory | |
void |
DeducedModelLayerExtensionImplementation.setModelFactory(ModelFactory setModelFactory)
Set the model factory to be used in this model. |
Uses of ModelFactory in org.deduced.rule |
Methods in org.deduced.rule with parameters of type ModelFactory | |
static PropertyCollection<?,?> |
DeductionRuleLibrary.createOrReuseListToMatchType(PropertyCollection<?,?> currentList,
PropertyCollection<?,?> requiredListType,
PropertyCollection<?,?> fixedInstance,
ModelFactory factory)
create Or Reuse a List To Match a desired list type. |
private static void |
DeductionRuleLibrary.createUnmatchedValues(PropertyCollection listToAddMissingValues,
PropertyCollection<?,?> collectionTypeToCreate,
java.lang.Object instanceKey,
java.util.List valuesToMatchClone,
ModelFactory modelFactory)
createUnmatchedValues |
private static void |
DeductionRuleLibrary.createUnmatchedValuesInOrderedList(PropertyCollection listToAddMissingValues,
PropertyCollection<?,?> collectionTypeToCreate,
java.lang.Object instanceKey,
PropertyCollection<?,?> orderingTypeToCreate,
java.lang.Object orderingValueKey,
java.util.List valuesToMatchClone,
ModelFactory modelFactory)
createUnmatchedValuesInOrderedList |
static void |
DeductionRuleLibrary.fillListWithSpecifiedTypes(PropertyCollection listToFill,
ModelFactory factory,
boolean deleteUnmatchedValues,
PropertyCollection<?,?>... typesToCreate)
fill a List With the Specified property collection Types by analyzing the list content and creating the missing objects and optionally deleting objects of which the type wasn't matched. |
private static void |
DeductionRuleLibrary.fillOrderedListCreateUnmatchedValues(PropertyCollection listToFill,
java.util.Collection valuesToMatchClone,
java.lang.Object valueKey,
PropertyCollection typeToCreate,
ModelFactory factory)
fill List Create Unmatched Values |
static void |
DeductionRuleLibrary.fillOrderedListWithSpecifiedTypes(PropertyCollection listToFill,
ModelFactory factory,
boolean deleteUnmatchedValues,
PropertyCollection<?,?>... typesToCreate)
fill an ordered list with the specified property collection types by analyzing the list content and creating the missing objects and optionally deleting objects of which the type wasn't matched. |
Uses of ModelFactory in org.deduced.validation |
Methods in org.deduced.validation with parameters of type ModelFactory | |
private static PropertyCollection<?,?> |
ValidationUtilities.createValidatorFromInstance(ModelFactory validatorFactory,
PropertyCollection<?,?> controlledPropertyInstance)
create Validator From Instance |
static PropertyCollection<?,?> |
ValidationUtilities.createValidatorFromValidationModel(ModelFactory validatorFactory,
PropertyCollection<?,?> validationModel)
create Validator From Validation Model |
static PropertyCollection<?,?> |
ValidationUtilities.createValidatorFromValidatorType(ModelFactory validatorFactory,
PropertyCollection<?,?> validatorType)
create Validator From Validator Type |
static void |
ValidationUtilities.validateNewValueOnInstance(java.lang.Object value,
ModelFactory validatorFactory,
PropertyCollection<?,?> controlledPropertyInstance,
boolean validateParent)
validate New Value On Instance |
Uses of ModelFactory in org.deduced.xml |
Fields in org.deduced.xml declared as ModelFactory | |
private ModelFactory |
controller that will be used to create the model implementations |