Package org.deduced.xml

Property collection XML encoding tools.


Interface Summary
XmlFileParser Interface used to parse XML files

Class Summary
DeducedXmlUtilities Deduced Xml Utility methods
XmlFileParserImplementation XML File parser implementation
XmlModelDecoder XmlPropertyDecoder
XmlModelDecoder.CollectionToElementAssociation CollectionToElementAssociation : utility class used to store the association between the collection in the DOM and its element.
XmlModelDecoder.PropertyToElementAssociation PropertyToElementAssociation : used to store the association between a DOM element representing a property value and the collection that will be modified by this property
XmlModelEncoder XmlPropertyEncoder
XmlModelEncoder.PackageSubObjectList Object that holds a package and all its types and sub packages
XmlModelEncoder.ReferenceCollection Object representing a referenced collection
XmlModelEncoder.TypeInstanceList Object holding a property type and its instance list
XmlPropertyConstants XmlPropertyConstants

Exception Summary
DecodeException DecodeException
EncodeException EncodeException

Package org.deduced.xml Description

Property collection XML encoding tools.