Package org.deduced.validation.validator.rule

Package containing deduction rules for validation of values.


Class Summary
IsCreateTypeValidRule IsCreateTypeValidRule is a deduction rule used to determine if a created type is valid.
IsEnumerationValidRule IsEnumerationValidRule validate if a reference to an enumeration type uses the correct types and avoids invalid enumeration values.
IsNullableValidRule IsNullableValidRule is used to validate nullable properties to check whether null is allowed or not.
IsNumberValidRule IsNumberValidRule is used to validate numbers between a minimum, maximum value.
IsReferenceTypeValidRule IsReferenceTypeValidRule validate if a reference respects certain rules about the type that is allowed to be referenced.
IsStringValidRule IsStringValidRule is used to validate a string using a minimum length, a maximum length, a flag indicating if the string can be null, a must-match regular expression and a must-not-match regular expression.
SetIsValidBasedOnErrorMessageRule SetIsValidBasedOnErrorMessageRule implements the rule in validators to link the isValid flag with the error message input.

Package org.deduced.validation.validator.rule Description

Package containing deduction rules for validation of values.